NS Hoops for grades 2-5 runs November through early March, see HERE for specific 2024-2025 information.
NS Hoops for grades 6-12 runs November through early March, see HERE for specific 2024-2025 information.
Developmental Hoops: clinic-style instruction with in-session scrimmages for players in kindergarten and first grade. See HERE for more information for 2024-2025.
Petite Hoops is for the youngest players, aged 3-5, and gives them a chance to run around the court, learn age-appropriate basketball skills and have fun. More information for 2024-2025 is HERE.
Elementary and Middle School Tournament Hoops: following the start of the recreational seasons of NS Hoops, tryouts will be held to form tournament teams. 1 team per grade for boys and girls in grades 3-6.
NS Hoops also offers skills clinics at various times throughout the year under the direction of Coach Durell Moore.
revised 2024.10.07