Learn to play field hockey with Nether-Swarthmore Field Hockey! For girls in grades Kindergarten through 8th grade, both new and experienced players are welcomed in all age divisions. Players are divided by grade into teams (the four age groups are K-2/ 3-4 / 5-6 / 7-8) and practice one night a week.
Game play against other nearby clubs takes place on Saturdays (usually) as Nether-Swarthmore is a founding partner of the Delco Youth Field Hockey League. (https://delcofha.my.canva.site/). Five or six games are scheduled over the course of the 7 week season that runs from September 7/8 through October 19/20. Playoffs, semis, and finals will take place on October 26, 27, and November 2.

WHO: Girls in grades Kindergarten through 8th (no experience required)
WHEN: Practices (1 per week) beginning week of August 26 and running through October.
Grades K-2 and 3-4 on Tuesdays at 5:45 PM – 6:45 PM.
Grades 5-6 and 7-8* on Thursdays at 5:45 PM – 7:15 PM.
*The practice schedule for Grades 7/8 will be modified as needed to accommodate SHMS field hockey players and the school team schedule.
WHERE: Practices at Strath Haven High School field hockey field. Home games tentatively schedule for Gouley Turf Field (K-2 and 3/4) or King Turf Field (5/6 and 7/8) plus away games.
EQUIPMENT: Field hockey stick (one that comes approximately to the player’s hip), a mouthguard (not white), shin guards (specifically field hockey shin guards), and cleats.
UNIFORM: A NS uniform pinny is included in the registration cost if needed. Players also need a pair of white field hockey socks, and black shorts or skort.
VOLUNTEERS: Parents helpers and coaches are essential to NS Field Hockey. You don’t have to know anything about the game to help out your child’s team. The program is run by Michelle Nieczpiel with assistance from Amanda Lawson, who has coached all levels of field hockey. Head coaches will received a discounted registration fee.

REGISTRATION FEE: $155 for Fall 2024 ($125 for grades 7/8 registration)
REGISTRATION: Opens July 22, 2024 at 9:00 a.m. and registration is limited for each age division
PROGRAM DIRECTOR: Michelle Nieczpiel at michelle@swarthmorerecreation.org
updated 2024.07.19