SRA COVID Committee
Monica Zeitz (chair) Katie DiSantis Erin Ewell Eric Levicoff
Please note this website has been archived and available for reference only. This information may no longer be up to date. Please visit CDC or Delaware County HD for the latest COVID-19 recommendations and guidance.
SRA Health and Safety Policy:
Protecting the health and safety of our community is of utmost importance to Swarthmore Recreation Association (SRA). Our health and safety plan is informed by current guidelines from PA DOH, CHOP PolicyLab, American Academy of Pediatrics, the CDC, and other public health authorities and will continue to evolve as new guidance is released. We expect all SRA participants and spectators to follow and be respectful of the specific masking and social distancing rules and regulations of the venue hosting our events.
Guidelines for all SRA participants, spectators, volunteers, staff, and officials:
Stay home if you are sick, awaiting test results because you have COVID-like symptoms or potential exposure to the virus, or not up to date with your COVID vaccines and exposed to COVID-19. (Participants without symptoms and without known exposure to COVID-19 do not need to quarantine while awaiting screening test results.)
Wash your hands and use hand sanitizer frequently.
Avoid touching your face/mouth.
Maintain at least 6 feet between participants when not engaged in playing (e.g. on the bench, in the dugout, on the sideline, in locker rooms and other similar situations). This is especially important when sports are being played in indoor settings.
Avoid activities that require shared items (e.g. pinnies), particularly items that contact the face. Minimize sharing of other equipment as much as possible.
Use contactless ways of celebrating player accomplishments including air high fives.
Keep teams together during program warm-ups. When bringing multiple teams together outside of the game (e.g. for warm ups), encourage teams to stay together and maintain distance from other teams.
Reduce the opportunity for players from other sessions to congregate by ending sessions on-time and encouraging players to exit facilities/fields without congregating.
When hosting multi-team events and tournaments, consider the following:
- Minimize interactions with other teams including using contactless ways of congratulating the other team on a good game.
- Be aware of requirements from host facilities (e.g. masking requirements, visitor restrictions).
When can an SRA participant with COVID-19 resume participation in SRA activities?
The isolation period can end when at least 5 days have passed since symptom onset and 24 hours have passed without fever and other symptoms have improved. Symptom onset should be counted as day zero; if asymptomatic test date should be counted as day zero. If you develop symptoms after testing positive, your 5-day isolation period should start over. The diagnosing healthcare provider should provide the dates that align with these guidelines. You may return to SRA activities on day 11. If, however, you are able to wear a well-fitting mask at all times, including times of physical exertion, you may return on day 6 if you meet the above criteria to end isolation.
I am a “close contact.” Can I still participate in SRA events?
- If you are unvaccinated OR age 18+ but vaccinated over 6 months ago with Pfizer/Moderna and not boosted OR 18+ but vaccinated over 2 months ago with J+J and not boosted: You will need to quarantine prior to resuming SRA activities. Please follow the guidelines provided by the entity that notified you of your close contact if applicable, otherwise please discuss with your physician or health department. Once you have completed your quarantine and/or testing requirements, you are welcome to return to SRA programming. However, you MUST wear a well-fitting facemask at all times in public settings for 10 days following your last exposure (last date of contact is day 0).
- If you are 5-17 years old and fully vaccinated with 2 doses of Pfizer OR age 18+ and vaccinated within 6 months with Pfizer/Moderna OR 18+ and vaccinated within 2 months with J+J OR 18+ and received booster OR you had confirmed COVID-19 within the last 90 days: Per current PA DOH guidelines as long as you remain asymptomatic you may continue to participate in SRA programming. However, you MUST wear a well-fitting facemask at all times in public settings for 10 days following your last exposure (last date of contact is day 0). Please follow testing requirements of the entity that notified you of your close contact if applicable, otherwise please discuss with your physician or health department.
My household family member was deemed a “close contact.” Can I still participate in SRA events?
- Family member is healthy: Yes. As long as you are not the close contact, and you and your family member exhibit no signs or symptoms of COVID-19, you may continue to participate in SRA events.
- Family member has developed COVID-like symptoms: Maybe. This depends on your vaccination status. Please discuss with your physician or local health department and only return to SRA programming after your isolation/quarantine requirements are completed.
- Any identified “close contacts” should follow the guidelines provided in the above FAQ.
I am participating in my school’s “test to stay” program. May I attend SRA events?
- If you are unvaccinated/incompletely vaccinated OR age 18+ vaccinated over 6 months ago with Pfizer/Moderna and not boosted OR age 18+ vaccinated over 2 months ago with J+J and not boosted: You cannot attend SRA events until you have been released from the “test to stay” program and have completed quarantine requirements. You MUST wear a facemask at all times for 10 days following your last exposure, even if you are released from “test to stay” earlier.
Is SRA affiliated with the Wallingford Swarthmore School District (WSSD)?
No. We are an independent non-profit organization with our own board of directors. We do follow WSSD’s Health and Safety Plan for SRA programming held on WSSD property. We do not make recommendations regarding school attendance for any SRA participant.
Does SRA have a masking and social distancing policy?
SRA follows PA DOH guidelines with regard to masking. If a facility that hosts our events has more stringent masking, social distancing and visitor guidelines, we defer to the facility rules. SRA participants are always welcome to wear masks, regardless of the guidelines.
We advise SRA participants to keep 6 ft apart when not engaged in play (water breaks, sidelines, bench), to minimize sharing of equipment and snacks, and to avoid handshakes/high fives/fist bumps/hugs.
We expect all individuals to be respectful of the masking, social distancing and spectator policies of each specific venue.
Helpful Resources and Links:
If you have specific questions regarding COVID-19 we encourage you to reach out to the PA Health Department at 877-724-3258 or the Delaware County COVID-19 call center at 484-276-2100.
COVID-19 Symptoms and Testing:
Delaware County Health Department:
PA Department of Health:
WSSD Athletics Health and Safety Plan:
Isolation and Quarantine Date Calculator:
CDC Quarantine and Isolation
PA Covid19 Isolation and Quarantine for General Population
Last Updated May 21, 2022