Registration will open in February 2025
SRA Preschool Camp offers a morning camp experience for 3- and 4-year-olds. Campers play games, make crafts, listen to stories, and play with friends. Drop off is 8:45-9:00 and pickup is 11:45. All campers MUST be fully toilet-trained and it is highly recommended that campers have attended preschool or a Mother’s Morning Out program.
WHO: 3- and 4-year-olds (must be 3 years old by May 1, 2025)
WHEN: Mondays through Thursdays for 5 weeks, 8:45-11:45AM
- June 23 – June 26
- June 30 – July 3 (no camp Friday, July 4)
- July 7-10
- July 14-17
- July 21-24
WHERE: Swarthmore-Rutledge School, 100 College Avenue, Swarthmore
REGISTRATION FEE: TBD for all 5 weeks if you register before April 1, 2025; on April 1 fee is TBD.
TBD per week (TBD for week of June 30 -July 3) if you register before April 1, 2025.
TBD per week (TBD for week of June 30 – July 3) if you register before June 3, 2025 (when registration closes.)
REFUND POLICY: Once your child is registered, all changes – including the week of attendance – are subject to a $25 administrative fee. If you need to cancel registration for a particular week, please contact SRA Assistant Director, Nika Haase, in writing at (The amount of your refund is governed by the SRA Refund Policy.) You may register your child for another week through the registrations links. If the week is filled, the registration link will say so.
updated 2024.06.07