OVERVIEWSRA Town Soccer is an intramural soccer league for beginning and intermediate players. Town Soccer focuses on instilling a love of the game, developing skills, making friends, and having fun. Players are assigned to small teams for league play, although no official records are kept. SRA Town soccer is a program for U6-U11. Parent volunteers are essential to Town Soccer. We will cap registration early and continue to admit players from the waitlist as more coaches volunteer.
Saturdays, September 11 through November 6. (Rain date: November 13) COST:Registration fee: $95
All Sessions at Henderson Field
Registration closes September 04, 2021. Your child must be registered to attend. * Any SRA Travel Soccer Player ages 7-10 can register for Session I and gain some extra skills at no extra cost. Please contact Nika Haase if interested in this option. (
Please click on your child’s age group to register. Birth years are listed below age groups.
SESSION ONE8:30a.m. – 10:00a.m. U8-U9-U10-U11Birth years 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011 Registration for 2021 is now full. Thanks to the many coaches who volunteered!SESSION TWO10:00a.m. – 11:30a.m. U6-U7 Birth Year 2016 & 2015 Registration for 2021 is now full. Thanks to the many coaches who volunteered!
All parents should attend and are encouraged to volunteer to coach. The program is run by volunteer parents and it is easy, fun and rewarding to coach soccer, even if you do not know anything about soccer! We will teach you how!
15 minutes — Warm-up, stretching, skill of the week
20-30 minutes — Team practices, focus on skill of the week
45-50 minutes — Small-sided 6v6 games (no goalie)
Director: Billy Lynch