Ultimate Frisbee Clinic, Spring 2025

Come try one of America’s fastest growing sports!  Ultimate Frisbee is a fast-paced, high-energy, non-contact sport that anyone can play.  Ultimate Frisbee places a premium on teamwork, cooperation, and sportsmanship.

SRA Ultimate Frisbee Clinics welcome players in third through eighth grade for six weeks of skill, drills, and scrimmages. Beginners are absolutely welcome! Ultimate frisbee clinics run in the fall and spring and our program directors are assisted by high school ultimate players as Sports Mentors.

WHO: girls and boys in Grades 3 through 8

WHEN: Fridays, 5:15-6:30, April 25, May 2, 9, 16, 23 & 30 (makeup session: June 6)

WHERE: Henderson Field, Swarthmore

PROGRAM DIRECTORS: John Christodouleas and Dave Sacker

REGISTRATION FEE:  $85, registration now open and includes an SRA ultimate disc.


Updated 2025.03.10